Happy Valentine's Day! What kind of plans do you have for today? I will be staying home and making some delicious pasta and Fabulous Focaccia Bread and relaxing. The Walking Dead starts tonight and I can't wait!!! Raise your hand if you love that show too :)
If you are wanting to make something delicious for your sweetie, this bread is a fabulous choice.
It took me a few tries to get this bread right. It all started when one of my co-workers gave me a loaf of Cinnamon Swirl Bread from a local bakery. That was the best darn bread and I immediately began thinking of how to make a copy-cat version. BUT, I knew their bread was loaded with a bajillian calories, so I wanted a slightly healthier version that I didn't have to feel guilty about eating. I'm not saying my bread is healthy, but it does have half as much butter than most quick bread recipes and it's loaded with healthy Greek yogurt.