Luckily, having Trevi makes us get out and experience the peacefulness. And even though neither of us feel like bundling up and bracing the cold, her excitement when her paws hit the snow is worth it. She LOVES the snow. Like I’m not even kidding you, as soon as we let her off leash in the park, she’s like the Tasmanian Devil bombing around trying to dig for sticks and chasing every dog she sees. She’s definitely a winter creature.
Her parents on the other hand? Not so much.
We’d much rather be snuggled on the couch watching a movie and eating a bowl of soup. Or if it’s a Sunday, watching football (and yes, still eating soup).
30-Minute Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Chowder
- 1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked for at least 2 hours
- 1 head cauliflower
- 1 small potato
- 1 garlic bulb**
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 1/2 cup Sabra Roasted Garlic Hummus
- 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
- 2 cups vegetable broth
- 2 cups water (+ more as needed)
- 2 teaspoons miso paste
- 2 teaspoons nutritional yeast (optional)
- Salt + pepper to taste
- Additional garlic if desired
Full Recipes>>30-Minute Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Chowder