. Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie | Best Recipe

Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

This Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie is guaranteed to keep you satisfied all morning with 20 grams of whole food protein and a good balance of healthy carbs and fats!

I’m in love with trail riding. On a bike; not a horse.

I mean, I love the whole horseback thing too, but seeing as I have 2 bikes and 0 horses, it’s a lot easier for me to jump on the former than it is to hop in a car and drive out of the city to seek out the latter.

That being said, I did come across a random field of horses while exploring a new-to-me part of the river valley the other day. I have no idea where I ended up, but imagine my surprise when I went down a huge hill, crossed a big ol’ bridge, rode through a woodsy field, and came face to face with horses right in the middle of the city.

I mean, I know we have an equine centre here, but I have a pretty decent sense of direction and I don’t think I was anywhere near it. Take that with a grain of salt, though, because when I say I legit have no idea where I was, I mean I legit have no idea where I was. Like… I wouldn’t be able to find my way there with a car if I tried.

And if you’re wondering why I’m talking horses and trail rides while showing you pictures of smoothies, I’m getting there. Promise.

Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie


1/2 cup (115 g) yogurt or non-dairy yogurt of choice
1 medium-size (100 g) ripe banana, frozen
1/4 cup (60 ml) unsweetened almond milk
1/3 cup (30 g) rolled oats*
1 Tbsp (7g) chia seeds**
½ tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt (optional but recommended)
1-2 tsp maple syrup or honey (optional, to taste)


  • Add all the ingredients to a high-speed blender in the order listed, and blend on high until a smooth and creamy consistency is reached. You want to make sure to keep blending until the chia seeds have broken down to achieve the smoothest and creamiest texture.
  • This smoothie can be made the night before and left to thicken in the fridge overnight. It gets quite pudding-y, so feel free to stir in a splash of milk to achieve desired consistency.
